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Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 2:56 pm
by Johnnie
I found this to be an excellent article detailing who did what and where they came from: Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives

And here's the map for the visually stimulated:


Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:23 pm
by Johnnie
And one thing before I head to bed:

Ted Cruz just fucking baffles me. He's a Harvard and Princeton alum. He was a professor at UT-Austin. Wiki says he was the youngest and first Hispanic Solicitor General (Whatever that is. Too lazy to Google.) in the US. He was also the first Hispanic Senator in Texas. And he's only 42! That's 12 years older than me. Dude is brilliant and articulate and has accomplished a ton. It's commendable. For a Canadian (heh heh), he's lived quite the American dream.

But...why is he so fucking ridiculous? He caters to the lowest common denominator and they champion him for it. But how can the LCD crowd champion someone so elitist? See, I get their infatuation with Palin. She's an uneducated twit like they are. The "Aw shucks! I'm a Momma Grizzlie and God bless me for it!" schtick is the type of simpleton mindset that resonates with the lesser educated. But Cruz is everything they hate....yet he's the smartest man in the room when he's yammering for 21 straight hours and decrying Obama about everything. It's madness.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:36 pm
by Scottie
Johnnie wrote:He caters to the lowest common denominator and they champion him for it.
That's your answer, right there. See also: Hopey Changey.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:25 pm
by The Sybian
Johnnie wrote:And one thing before I head to bed:

Ted Cruz just fucking baffles me. He's a Harvard and Princeton alum. He was a professor at UT-Austin. Wiki says he was the youngest and first Hispanic Solicitor General (Whatever that is. Too lazy to Google.) in the US. He was also the first Hispanic Senator in Texas. And he's only 42! That's 12 years older than me. Dude is brilliant and articulate and has accomplished a ton. It's commendable. For a Canadian (heh heh), he's lived quite the American dream.

But...why is he so fucking ridiculous? He caters to the lowest common denominator and they champion him for it. But how can the LCD crowd champion someone so elitist? See, I get their infatuation with Palin. She's an uneducated twit like they are. The "Aw shucks! I'm a Momma Grizzlie and God bless me for it!" schtick is the type of simpleton mindset that resonates with the lesser educated. But Cruz is everything they hate....yet he's the smartest man in the room when he's yammering for 21 straight hours and decrying Obama about everything. It's madness.

It's all about exposure and making a name for himself. It's a game, and the pawns are the citizens they are elected to represent. They just don't give a fuck. As for the anti-elitists backing a member of the elite, who is more of an elitist that Mitthaniel Romney?

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:29 pm
by Rams Fanny
Steve of phpBB wrote:
Rams Fanny wrote:President and Dems refuse to sign a CR and act like petulant teenagers who won't negotiate at all yet portray themselves as the adults in the room.
What are the President and Dems supposed to negotiate? They've already fully agreed to the Republican demands on the budget.
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of them refusing to talk and claiming to be the adults.

You can sit at the table and still not give anything up (much like the President is doing tonight). I wasn't trying to debate the issues at hand merely painting broad strokes to show the Kabuki Theatre this has become.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:48 pm
by Rush2112

Notice the date.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:56 pm
by DaveInSeattle
Rams Fanny wrote:
Steve of phpBB wrote:
Rams Fanny wrote:President and Dems refuse to sign a CR and act like petulant teenagers who won't negotiate at all yet portray themselves as the adults in the room.
What are the President and Dems supposed to negotiate? They've already fully agreed to the Republican demands on the budget.
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of them refusing to talk and claiming to be the adults.

You can sit at the table and still not give anything up (much like the President is doing tonight). I wasn't trying to debate the issues at hand merely painting broad strokes to show the Kabuki Theatre this has become.
Who is Obama supposed to negotiate with? Its clear the Boehner has no real pull amongst the ShitHouseCrazy faction in the house. Is Obama supposed to try and get sane ideas out of folks like Michelle Bachman, Louis Gohmert, and Steve King?

And what is he supposed to negotiate about anyways? Obamacare is the law. Been voted on over 40 times in Congress. Been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. Obama just won an election going away against a guy who vowed to repeal it.

Its like the Republicans are still standing on the football field 3 hours after the games over, having lost by 20 points, and insisting they still get another chance.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:04 pm
by Scottie
I woke up on the floor of some Tea Party family's rec room and they would NOT stop screaming about Benghazi.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:25 pm
by howard
Johnnie wrote:He caters to the lowest common denominator and they champion him for it.
How do you think Obama got elected? Or Bush 2? Or Reagan?

See, many people assume LCD refers to low intelligence. It does not. In politics in our era, the lowest common denominator is emotion. Good (and bad) feeling, devoid of thought. It works. You're soaking in it. Hope and Change, and fear those crazy Red States. Terrorism and Security, and fear those taxing and spending Blue States.

One thing that just kills me about this bullshit is no one will explain how 80 equals a majority of anything in a house of 435. Where there is no filibuster. How somehow they are holding a gun to Boners balls unless he goes along. This ain't fucking Italy, or some other parlimentary state. This is one of the alleged benefits of a two-party system, that a faction can't lock down the government.

Both red and blue have a perceived benefit from this cynical exercise. The chance of not proceeding with more taxing, borrowing and spending is exactly zero. Along with the risk of actual default on a single bond or bill (at least in 2013; that will absolutely occur in the future, one way or another). This is another series of lies.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:28 pm
by brian
Shots fired near the US Capitol. And the hits just keep on coming. What a country.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:33 pm
by Scottie
brian wrote:Shots fired near the US Capitol. And the hits just keep on coming. What a country.
Possibly the first ever incidence of a shutdown being on lockdown.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:08 am
by Pruitt
howard wrote:
Johnnie wrote:He caters to the lowest common denominator and they champion him for it.
How do you think Obama got elected? Or Bush 2? Or Reagan?

See, many people assume LCD refers to low intelligence. It does not. In politics in our era, the lowest common denominator is emotion. Good (and bad) feeling, devoid of thought. It works. You're soaking in it. Hope and Change, and fear those crazy Red States. Terrorism and Security, and fear those taxing and spending Blue States.
Very nicely stated.
Shots fired near the US Capitol. And the hits just keep on coming. What a country.
Well, at least it's reassuring to know that you are safe when dental hygienists ever attack.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:29 am
by howard
Three locations and 17 rounds later, they'll get 'er.

Something I learned from an episode of Kojak decades ago: you don't stop a car with a handgun.



Maybe Obama Has a Point, Refusing to Negotiate

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:21 pm
by howard

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:27 pm
by The Sybian
Curious what people think of this ad. While I agree with the premise, I think it comes off as childish and petty. Much better ways to make an educational point. Then again, those that agree with Boehner won't be persuaded by anything.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:36 pm
by howard
I think it's great. But I think these two anecdotes are great:
Russian President Vladimir Putin allegedly said, off the record:
“Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon.
The pigeon will knock over all the pieces, crap on the board and then strut around like it won the game!”
To: John Hinckley
From: Mrs. Nancy Reagan

My family and I wanted to drop you a short note to tell you how pleased we are with the great strides you are making in your recovery. In our country's spirit of understanding and forgiveness, we want you to know that we bear no grudge against you for shooting President Reagan.

We are fully aware that mental stress and pain could have driven you to such an act of desperation. We're confident that you will soon make a complete recovery and return to your family to join the world again as a healthy and productive man.

Best wishes,
Nancy Reagan & Family

P.S. While you have been incarcerated, Barack Obama has been banging Jodie Foster like a screen door in a tornado. You might want to look into that.
Relax; substitute Dubya for Obama, and they work just the same.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:38 pm
by brian
Nancy Reagan is still alive! I honestly had no idea.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:54 pm
by The Sybian
brian wrote:Nancy Reagan is still alive! I honestly had no idea.
And more vindictive then ever.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:06 pm
by Johnnie
Yea, that Boehner vid does nothing for me. But then again, I'm an intelligent dude who doesn't vote.

So yea. Joke's on me then.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:26 pm
by Johnnie
This is what happens when your country is run by a bunch of fucking lawyers. A bunch of nonsensical jargon and pertinent questions that are never answered.


Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:07 pm
by howard
I'm not a religious man. But I can get behind this benediction.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:58 am
by Pruitt
Johnnie wrote:This is what happens when your country is run by a bunch of fucking lawyers. A bunch of nonsensical jargon and pertinent questions that are never answered.

You should add that these lawyers use giant visual aids and wear stickers on their lapels.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:57 am
by Gunpowder
Johnnie wrote:This is what happens when your country is run by a bunch of fucking lawyers. A bunch of nonsensical jargon and pertinent questions that are never answered.

Wait...this actually happened? I haven't followed because I don't really care about politics anymore and all it seems to create is stubborn, angry old men, but only one guy can re-open the government? How is that not the tyranny that a lot of these guys rail against all the time?

Re: A-feffing-Men!

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:58 am
by Gunpowder
howard wrote:I'm not a religious man. But I can get behind this benediction.

"The hypocrisy of trying to sound reasonable while being unreasonable". That's a great way to describe the government and I guess a lot of things in life.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:08 pm
by The Sybian
Gunpowder wrote:
Wait...this actually happened? I haven't followed because I don't really care about politics anymore and all it seems to create is stubborn, angry old men, but only one guy can re-open the government? How is that not the tyranny that a lot of these guys rail against all the time?
Yep, they do what they complain about the most all of time. Bush made an enormous grab of Executive power (and the Neo-Cons have been pushing for this since the 1980s, and 9-11 was a convenient excuse), but once Obama continued to use these powers, he is a fascist dictator.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:54 am
by Gunpowder
In my recent lack of caring about politics (it's been blissful), somehow I missed this: ... ark-ranger" onclick=";return false;

Holy f!

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:04 am
by Gunpowder
You douchers made me read about all of this stuff. I hate you now. This is insane!

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:16 am
by Gunpowder
I keep reading that it would be "political suicide" for Boehner to allow a vote on the budget - but I'm not so sure. And even if it is, he should just do it and finally not look like a stooge. It would be good for his legacy.

BUT, at the same time, I love watching the slow-motion trainwreck.

Re: A-feffing-Men!

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:16 am
by Jerloma
Gunpowder wrote:"The hypocrisy of trying to sound reasonable while being unreasonable". That's a great way to describe the government and I guess a lot of things in life.
Like pastors for instance.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:21 pm
by Johnnie

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:22 pm
by Johnnie
Gunpowder wrote:In my recent lack of caring about politics (it's been blissful), somehow I missed this: ... ark-ranger" onclick=";return false;

Holy f!
I'd be swearing at that shitstain GOP Rep. a whole lot more.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:25 pm
by DSafetyGuy
Gregg Popovich for President.

Oh, wait, that wouldn't really do anything.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:31 pm
by The Sybian
Gunpowder wrote:In my recent lack of caring about politics (it's been blissful), somehow I missed this: ... ark-ranger" onclick=";return false;

Holy f!

Unreal. He is blaming the Park Ranger for shutting down the memorial? Holy f is right. Why should she be ashamed? It is the fuckball Rep who shut down the government, she is there, without pay, following orders made necessary by said fuckball Rep. Then he blames Harry Reid? If Boehner allowed a vote, the shutdown would overwhelmingly be ended, but a small minority have literally hijacked the entire government. I think it's time for military intervention. If Fidel Castro were healthy, he would have offered his services.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:54 am
by howard
A quick post. I promise brevity.

The outcome of this charade, as I've said repeatedly, back in 2011 and this go-round, never was in doubt. Increased borrowing, a higher 'debt limit' and increased size and scope of government are desired by every single member of Congress. These conditions are also required to keep the cloak over the failed economy. An actual default on the repayment terms of government debt instruments will never happen as a result of a legislated debt limit. Never. (I can very simply explain the clear facts behind this, even though no one on the TV will.) Ironically, the government debt will never be repaid, but inflating it away is a charade to be discussed on another day.

The above is fact. Here is the opinion part. I think the motive for this bullshit is a simple grasp for relevance and attention. Nothing more complex than 'look at me'. Not just the couple of dozen true Tea Party GOP representatives, whose meager numbers can achieve prevent not a single thing w/o the cooperation of the Speaker and/or a much larger portion of the majority party in the House. I cannot come up with an explanation for this crap that fits better. The 'look at me, I matter, I'm relevant' motive fits the president and the Dems as well. Because they could've avoided this crap with just a few words of truth/reality (as unaccustomed as they are with that particular tactic).

They just want the masses to think they matter, and that they actually have control/power/choices over the economic trap that has captured our nation.

Opinion two. I do not mean to say that the couple of dozen true Tea Party GOP representatives (or any other segment) don't have any specific goals or objectives. Nearly the entire GOP hates Obamacare (for a variety of reasons) (despite the truth that Obamacare profits some of their most important constituents tremendously, Big Pharma and Big Insurance). I am sure plenty of GOP reps are sincerely motivated to this charade as a tool to weaken Obamacare. But this is a mistake. 'Win' or 'lose'.

Failing to include an Obamacare-weakening or delaying clause in the final spending agreement is a loss. But if somehow they achieved an Obamacare-weakening or delaying measure, such a 'win' is not in their best interest.

Much smarter would be to just step aside, let Obamacare roll out, and fail miserably. Then say a big 'I told you so', and get re-elected for a decade. Because miserable clusterfuck failure is inevitable.

I've said this repeatedly over the past three years. And I completely failed to anticipate this IT failure, which is nothing more than icing on my prediction cake. Not even my cynicism foresaw this part. And I am not even counting that. If they magically fix the web-based enrollment process, tomorrow, by Jan 1st, or whenever, the program itself will be a horrible disaster.

Tea Party Republicans and all other Obamacare haters should've let the public focus on that, instead of this big distraction budget bullshit. But they are modern politicians--they are not smart, long-sighted nor strategic. They are buffoons who do as they are told, who only follow the money and the red light on the TV camera. This describes Democrats, Republicans, Boner, Pelosi, Reid and Obama all. All.

Trust me, that is brief compared to all my thoughts on this matter.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:10 pm
by Steve of phpBB
Yeah, I agree that the Republicans really fucked up by drawing all the attention to their shutdown and hostage taking rather than the failure of the Obamacare website.

Luckily for them, even with three weeks of shutdown, the web site is still not working.

But that is only the website for individual exchanges, for people in states not having their own exchanges.

Utah has its own exchange for employers, and using the exchange will lower my firm's premiums by nearly ten percent next year.

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:05 am
by Jerloma
After the House finished their vote to open up shop yesterday, the stenographer grabbed the mic and went nuts...
“He [God] will not be mocked,” the stenographer, apparently named Molly, yelled into the microphone as she was dragged off by security. “The greatest deception here is that this is not one nation under God. It never was. It would not have been. The Constitution would not have been written by Freemasons. They go against God. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God. Praise be to Jesus.”

(I know this could be in Godless thread but I'm guessing like 4 people read that)

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:30 am
by brian
The only crazy people allowed in the House are the elected officials, like this one:

"This happened and as of today the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists, now what this says to me, I'm a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God's end times history."

Not much difference between this ramble and that ramble. Person A is "crazy" and Person B received millions of votes in GOP presidential primaries.

(HT: Charlie Pierce).

Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 11:11 am
by Jerloma
Well, she's kinda crazy too...


Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 1:13 pm
by Johnnie
This pic makes far more sense.


Re: Random Politics

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:46 pm
by Scottie
Johnnie wrote:This pic makes far more sense.
Or, at least, as much sense.